Message from the Chairman

Valley Industries is proudly regional-based, employing over 500 staff across the Manning and Forster regions of NSW, and providing services to over 315 participants. This is a considerable increase from the previous year. We are proud as well to employ and provide services to Aboriginal people. Valley Industries makes an enormous contribution to the social… Continue reading Message from the Chairman

Quality Policy

Quality Policy

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Why Choose Valley?

Our Vision at Valley Industries will strive to ensure our Participants enjoy the same rights, and understand the need to meet the same obligations, as other members of society. Our Mission at Valley Industries is to ensure everyone involved with our organisation does their utmost to encourage and facilitate the rights of people with disability… Continue reading Why Choose Valley?

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Valley Industries has been providing support and employment opportunities for people with disability in the Manning Valley since 1971. Valley Industries is a community based not for profit organisation with strong, vibrant links with our community, parents, carers and other disability services, to ensure we offer the best services to those looking for support. Our… Continue reading Background

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